πŸ”ŽReview Phase

Review Section Details

πŸ” Review Quote

  • ⛽️ Est. Gas Cost: Estimated gas cost for the transaction, provided as an average but subject to market variations.

  • 🀲 Trade Fee: Displays the trade fee in both ETH and USD, calculated based on the order value.

  • 🎁 ETH Wrap Cost: If the order requires converting ETH to WETH, this cost is shown here. This fee is only applicable if the user's account needs to convert ETH to meet order requirements.

  • πŸ’² Total Fees: Sum of all applicable fees including gas, trade, and any wrapping costs.

Trade Conditions

  • ⚠️ Trade Warning: Alerts about the likelihood of the trade executing at the proposed conditions, suggesting adjustments if necessary.

  • ↗️ Amount Spending: Total USD and ETH amounts being spent.

  • β†˜οΈ Amount Receiving: Expected amount to be received in USD.

  • πŸ’Έ Suggested Receiving Amount: Advises on an optimal receiving amount to set for a higher chance of order execution.

Post-Review Actions

After reviewing, users have several options to proceed:

  • Wrap [Minimum Amount Needed] & Submit Order: Converts just enough ETH to WETH required for the order.

  • Wrap [Balance Amount] & Submit Order: Converts all available ETH to WETH and submits the order.

Handling of Private Keys

  • If the configured wallet has the private key stored securely, the order submits automatically.

  • If the wallet does not have the private key stored, the user will be prompted to input it. Users can choose to temporarily remember the key for convenience.

Notes on Costs and Fees

  • The costs like Wrap Cost and Gas Cost are only estimates, as the actual amounts depend on the resolver executing the order.

  • Total Fees should be considered when setting the receiving amount to ensure the trade aligns with the user’s financial expectations.

Last updated